Available cases
OpenDTU Fusion
Beware that the cases below were originally designed for ESP32 boards with 4 MB of flash memory, which are not fully compatible with OpenDTU-OnBattery (lack of support for OTA updates). When using such a case, make sure that an upgraded ESP32(-S3) with at least 8 MB of flash storage fits the case as well.
- Open DTU box
- Sól: OpenDTU (ESP32 / NRF24L01+) case
- Complete solderless case for Olimex ESP32-POE-ISO
- DTU Case V1 complete solderless case for ESP32 and NRF24L01+ or EBYTE E01-ML01DP5
- Case for OpenDTU with integrated OLED Display
- OpenDTU PCB box for the wider board
- ESP32 Ahoy openDTU PCB housing
- Case for openDTU Ahoy Breakout Board (ESP32 and NRF24L01)
- Open-DTU CMT2300A with eByte Test-Board E49-900MBL-01 Case