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Working with the WebApp

General information

The WebApp works completely independent of the C/C++ firmware. When compiling the firmware, the pre-compiled WebApp will be embedded into the firmware .bin file. The WebApp is served to the browser by the embedded web server and then runs on the client side. The communication between the frontend and the ESP32 running OpenDTU-OnBattery is done using the Web API.

Difference to upstream project

Unlike in the upstream project, the WebApp has to be (re-)compiled before building the firmware, as the WebApp compilation result is not versioned in Git.

A PlatformIO pre-script makes sure that an up-to-date WebApp is available in your working directory right before attempting to build the firmware.

There is a development server which hosts the frontend at your local computer and allows easy development. It will forward the requests to the backend automatically to your ESP32 (configurable IP address). That means you can develop the webinterface without flashing the ESP32 (if the Web API stays the same).

Install prerequisites

  • Determine the version of Node.js to be used: See the value for node-version in the GitHub workflow, which is the canonical version to use.
  • Install Node.js to be able to work with the WebApp.
  • The yarn package manager is required to install Node.js packages and to execute commands related to the WebApp. To make yarn available, you should enable corepack, which is shipped together with Node.js. corepack installs a shim to act as yarn, with the benefit of installing the one version of yarn configured for this project.
  • Install Node.js using the prebuilt installer (use the default settings during installation).
  • Execute corepack enable in an elevated command prompt (run command prompt as administrator).
  • Install Node.js from nodesource.
  • Execute sudo corepack enable.

Building the WebApp

The WebApp is build using yarn. First of all you have to install or update all the dependencies. Afterwards the app will be built. Start a Terminal of your choice and enter the following commands:

cd webapp
yarn install
yarn build

The generated WebApp will be placed in the webapp_dist directory from where it gets included by PlatformIO.

Starting the Development Server

Create a file called vite.user.ts in the webappp directory with the following content:

export const proxy_target = ''

Replace the IP with the IP of your ESP32 running OpenDTU-OnBattery.

To start the development server execute the following command:

yarn dev

Lint with ESLint

yarn lint

Format Source Code

Automatically format the source code files to use a common format before committing changes.

yarn format