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JK-B* Models

JK-B* Models

The support for JK BMS was developed and tested against a JK-B1A24S15P model. It is assumed that all JK BMS (in this series) implement the same protocol on their UART interface. The following models are listed in a manual that includes the tested model:

JK-BD6AxxS-6P  / JK-BD6AxxS-8P
JK-BD6AxxS-10P / JK-BD6AxxS-15P
JK-BD6AxxS-20P / JK-B1AxxS-15P
JK-B2AxxS-15P  / JK-B2AxxS-20P

Notice that buying the BMS with the CAN interface or the GPS feature might conflict with this UART interface.


The JK-B* BMS models are connected to the ESP32 using UART-TTL or RS485 using the JK RS485 adapter:

RS485 Adaptor

RS485-TTL (UART) Jack Pin-Out

This is the pinout of the RS485-TTL (UART) communication jack on an JK BMS (4 Pin, JST SH 1.25mm pitch), which is labeled "GPS":

┌────  ─────  ────┐
│                 │
│  O   O   O   O  │
   │   │   │   └── VBAT is full battery voltage, e.g., 51.2V (do not connect)
   │   │   └────── ESP32 GPIO (RX pin)
   │   └────────── ESP32 GPIO (TX pin)
   └────────────── GND

Port Overview

Reversed UART connector

On the JK-B1A8S10P/B1A8S20P/B2A8S10P models (possibly others?) the connector is soldered on the PCB top side rather than the bottom side, so the pin-out above is to be read upside-down! Be cautious with the connector's orientation on your particular model!

Reversed Connector

Wiring Options

Multiple wiring methods are supported. The battery.rx and battery.tx pins must be defined in the pin mapping for all methods. When using the RS-485 Transceiver on MCU interface type, battery.rxen and battery.txen pins must also be defined. See the device profile documentation for more details.

RS485 with Transceiver

Using the original JK BMS RS485 adapter, the wiring can be completed using an RS485 transceiver chip that is connected to the ESP32 directly. This is the case for the OpenDTU Fusion board, where an ISL3178E transceiver is in use. There are also breakout-boards available that provide a RS485 transceiver (search for MAX485 Module).

This setup is very robust and requires four pins on the ESP32: Two for data (one input, one output), one that controls the receiver, and another that controls the transmitter. The latter two are outputs.

          RS485-TTL               RS485
┌────────┐         ┌───────────┐    │    ┌───────────┐   ┌───────┐ │
│        │<--TX--->│Y    JK   Y│<A--+--A>│A      RXEN│<->│15     │ │
│ JK-BMS │<--RX--->│W  RS485  W│<B--+--B>│B        RX│<->│16 ESP │ │
│        │<--GND-->│B Adaptor  │    │    │       TXEN│<->│46  32 │ │
│        │<-Bat V->│R         B│<-->│GND │ISL3178E EN│<->│45     │ │
└────────┘         └───────────┘    │    └───────────┘   └───────┘ │
                                    │       OpenDTU Fusion v2      │

Use the RS485-Transceiver on MCU interface type in the OpenDTU-OnBattery settings for this setup.

RS485 with Converter

Using the original JK BMS RS485 adapter, the wiring can be completed using an RS485 to UART-TTL converter board. Search for DEBO TTL-RS485 on for an example. For the UART receive pin on the ESP32 an input-only pin may be used.

This setup also works over long distances for the RS485 lines.

           UART-TTL              RS485           RS485-TTL
┌────────┐         ┌───────────┐       ┌────────┐         ┌───────┐
│        │<--TX--->│Y    JK   Y│<A---A>│        │<TX---RX>│       │
│ JK-BMS │<--RX--->│W  RS485  W│<B---B>│ RS485  │<RX---TX>│ ESP32 │
│        │<--GND-->│B Adaptor B│<-GND->│ to 3V3 │<--GND-->│       │
│        │<-Bat V->│R          │       │        │<--3V3-->│       │
└────────┘         └───────────┘       └────────┘         └───────┘

Use the TTL-UART on MCU interface type in the OpenDTU-OnBattery settings for this setup. The ESP32 will talk UART to the converter board. The RS485 transceiver is transparent to the ESP32. That also means it has no explicit control over the transmitter or receiver. That in turn might cause the ESP32 to read its own data (only for bad converter boards).


The BMS may be connected directly to two ESP32 pins. For the UART receive pin on the ESP32 an input-only pin may be used.


Do NOT connect the fourth pin (VBAT) of the JK BMS, as it drives the unregulated full battery voltage.


Use this setup only over short distances as it is not robust against interference.

┌────────┐         ┌───────┐
│        │<TX---RX>│       │
│ JK-BMS │<RX---TX>│ ESP32 │
│        │<--GND-->│       │
│        │   3V3-->│       │
└────────┘         └───────┘

Use the TTL-UART on MCU interface type in the OpenDTU-OnBattery settings for this setup.